The team of our Institute expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends on the death of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Malyk Ostap Hryhorovych


The loss of our colleague, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ostap Malyk, is deeply felt by the staff of our Institute.

Ostap Hryhorovych was an outstanding scientist, a wonderful colleague and a true friend. His contribution to the development of veterinary science will leave a significant mark on history, and his wisdom and kindness will remain in our hearts forever.

Ostap Hryhorovych’s students received from him not only profound knowledge, but also a desire for continuous development. They will continue his work and keep the memory of the outstanding scientist alive in their professional achievements.

At this difficult time, we share the pain of loss with Ostap Hryhorovych’s family and friends. May the memories of his life be bright and his soul find peace. May his memory be cherished.

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Наказ Міністерства економіки № 307-21 від 26.07.2021
Зареєстровано в Міністерстві юстиції 30.08.2021